Thursday, September 6, 2012

I do not understand this logic

After watching the movie about the role the suffragists had in the United States, I was surprised to see how women had to fight so hard for their right to vote...I did not know it took so many years. It made me proud to see how women could organised and accomplished such an important mission, but my joy was short because among the suffragists, they were many who did not included the other race such as "colored" women (as they were calling them). I was chocked that the African american women were able to vote in 1920,but  because of the price poll taxes the did not vote.


  1. Unfortunately Nancy, there are many times that things like this happened.Poll taxes and literacy tests were instituted for a long time. It is moments where racism or any other "ism" becomes more underground, more quiet. Its like a shift from screaming at someone to whispering behind their back. Those who are affected know it is happening and can feel it but cant always prove it exists to others for fear of being told we are crazy or over sensitive or making it up.

  2. You are right Chris and it is really sad to see it happening even today. Sometimes it is very difficult to react to it...Thank God we are all different and have different mind & point of view. Which brings me to the speech the ex-president of the United States, Bill Clinton, gave on September 05, 2012 at the Democratic National Convention, he said:" `We're all in this together' is a far better philosophy than `You're on your own.'---It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics. Why? Because poverty,discrimination, and ignorance restrict growth. When you stifle human potential, when you don't invest in new ideas, it doesn't just cut off the people who are affected.It hurts us all."

    Those works were so profound to me because I did not took/understood it only for the economical advancement in this country, but also as unification of the people.

    Read more:
