Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Oppression by Frye

In her article Frye said "oppressing is oppression to those who oppress as well as to the oppress." The society were I grow up is a more dominate by masculinity than femininity. Men are to be strong, providers, protectors, the head of the household etc. Mostly do not act womanly; no crying, no girly attitude, brief men are not to be feminine. That is how I grow up, I believe that it is in oppression against themselves too. Can you imagine how hard it is to stop yourself from crying because something is hurting you. It is more hurtful that cry and forget about it. They oppress themselves physically and emotionally to get to that point.
And for women, she compare a men and a women sexual behavior in this society; if a man has multiple sexual partner, it is a good thing. But if a women behave the same way as a men, she is label as a prostitute (to use a proper name). It is a double standard and an oppression against women.   

Just see how men always cry alone or if it is in from of people, they have to say "I AM SORRY." It is not a crime!!!



  1. Hi Nancy!
    I can see where you are coming from with the men oppressing themselves. I cannot imagine what it may feel like to not be able to cry or let out your emotions when needed. It must be hard. And your right about the double standard with the sex partners..
    Society is confusing, isn't it?

    1. Most of the time I feel like we are all prisoners of this society "Norm" and we can't get out of if!!!

  2. Interesting stuff Nancy- I'm sure we'll revisit it in the upcoming classes. Ill look forward to seeing this work out. Glad we worked out your blog stuff too,
