Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Are Little Boys Made of?

  "When they say boys will be boys, they mean boys will be uncivilized animals."  Kimmel


"Gurian adroitly point out the nearly unbearably pressure on young boys to conform, to resort to violence to solve problems, to disrupt classroom decorum. But he thinks it's entirely due to biology-not peer culture, media violence, or parental influence. And Biddulph agrees: 'Testosterone equals vitality,' he writes  All we have to do is 'honor it and steer it into healthy direction." (157)

By reading this i realized that both, Gurian and Biddulph, are contradicting each other. They are both saying that the environment is not in any case responsible for the boys/men violence behaviors, but biology (testosterone) is. While continuing reading the article, they said, "All we have to do is 'honor it and steer it into healthy direction." I laugh because when you steer something/someone into a healthy direction, it means that you are influencing/modeling it/him/her into something/someone else. It also mean that the environment has an important influence on it/him/her change and/or behavior. Of cause testosterone has a big influence on boys, but that is not the only aspect that pushes them to violence. Which bring us to the feminism, they wants to change the traditional "boys mentality;" (boys don't cry, boys must be strong, boys fight...). Here is a quote

"Feminism encourages men-and their sons-to be more emotionally open and expressive, to develop emphatic skills, and to channel emotional outbursts away from violence." (159)

By disregarding Gurian and Biddulph theory of only testosterone equal violence in boys, The author said that by being openly emotional and understand their pain, boys will learn to be less violent and compassionate toward themselves and others. 


       Why is the first image is more acceptable than the second picture??? 


  1. i like your blog especially your images you posted with the statement underneath. it gets people thinking :)

  2. Exactly ! they totally contradict one another, like "spanking responsibility" being violent towards your child will somehow show them how to NOT be violent...right. Just like steering your child into the right direction, but not influencing them. I like how you included these cartoons at the end, to show people perception of which is acceptable or normal in society and which is not.
